Sunday, December 30, 2012

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Holiday Schedule

No classes on Monday, Dec 24.
No classes on Wednesday, Dec. 26
No class on Friday, Dec. 28

Yes!  Therapeutic Yoga Class will be on Thursday, Dec. 27 

Want to come to class on Monday, Dec. 31?  Let me know (by email which one and if I get a good response it'll happen.   

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Warrior Pose Practice series

From~ A. G. Mohan, "Krishnamacharya: His Life and Teachings" (p. 156)

"The sequence that follows, centered around the warrior pose virabhadrasana) and its variations, was a favorite of Krishnamacharya’s. Incorporating a wide, open stance, and requiring coordination and balance, this classical vinyasa can be a good addition to a generic asana practice. It can be made more or less challenging, or modified by adding a lateral bend or different arm positions. It can also serve as a core standing vinyasa from which you flow into other asanas and then return."

Krishnamacharya was my teacher's teacher, and the originator of the yoga method I teach.  You can find more information and pictures at the facebook page Krishnamacharya.

Gentle Practice for Hips and Low Back

December 2012 Schedule

NEW All Levels Class 
Wednesdays from 5:00-6:30 pm. 
The All Levels Class on Thursdays is discontinued. 
Instead, on
December 13 and 20 we'll have Restoratives!    
7:15-8:30 pm
$15 for a drop in or use your class card.
Please Preregister.
The Therapeutic Classes will remain on 
Mondays at 10 am and Thursdays at 11 am.

Strong Bones will continue at 3:30 on Monday.
All Levels 
Mondays at 5:15 pm and Wednesdays at 5 pm 
with Jeannie at XYZ
Wednesdays at 2 pm and Fridays at 10 am
with Kathy at The Place.
I'm still thinking about classes on Christmas/New Years week.  Let me know if you'd like class on Monday Dec 24 and 31

Monday, October 29, 2012

Aloha Retreat Jan 20-27 2013

Aloha Retreat on the Big Island
with Jeannie Turner

The word Aloha has many meanings.  Most of us are familiar with Aloha used as a greeting; ‘hello” or “goodbye” but it means more than that.  One translation of aloha is “The joyful sharing of life energy in the present” another is “to stand front or face up (alo) to receive the breath of life (ha) from above”.  Aloha also means love in all its expressions – familial, friendly, divine, love of life, nature, etc.  These translations express the idea that aloha is not just a greeting, but a practice; a way of being present and open to life and love.   The intention of this retreat is to invite the spirit of Aloha.

Place has power.  The Aloha spirit arose out of the spirit of the land, water, wind, sun, volcanoes, plants and people who are Hawaii.  The Hawaii Island Retreat was created with the intention of providing an environment where people can come and experience the deeper meaning of Aloha.  The Retreat staff has worked with the spirit of a particular place on the big island, listened to the land, listened to the elders, listened to their own hearts, so that we might benefit from this sacred place.

Every culture has developed its own words, traditions and practices to cultivate and enter into sacred space.  I’ve been blessed to have yoga as my way in, and the training and experience to share it effectively.  In this retreat we’ll explore the yoga practices of asana, pranayama, meditation, chant, and ritual.

With this combination of place and practice we’ll have the opportunity to explore and to gain insight about ourselves so that we live more fully, with Aloha; to learn “by heart” practices that can serve us in our lives after the retreat is over; and to share the breath of life.    

The package includes :
  • Beautiful rooms.
  • Early morning snack with coffee or tea, and breakfast each day.  Lunch at the retreat 4 of the days, dinner at the retreat 3 of the days, two group dinners at local restaurants-one at Bamboo and and one at Minnie’s.
  • Two integrated yoga practices each day (which may include asana, pranayama, self-inquiry, chanting, guided relaxation, and meditation) with Jeannie.
  • Free time to explore your inner being or the outer environment. 
  • Spa services are available by appointment.  Retreat guests get $15% off the regular prices.

When:  Jan 20-27  (Seven nights)

Cost:  Shared room double occupancy—$1475 in the yurts, or $1775 in the hotel rooms, per person. Single in the yurt, $2075 or in the hotel room $2625.  Price includes tax and gratuity for retreat package (not including spa services).

Where: Hawaii Island Retreat.  For more information see their website: http://

How: Fly into Kona

Here is the information we need: Please send your name, address, phone and e-mail and a $350.00 deposit to reserve your spot.  Payment in full will be required by Jan 1, 2013.  Please indicate single or shared occupancy. We can’t promise to provide you with a roommate, but will be glad to let you know of others that may want to share a room. 

November Schedule

Class Day Time Teacher
Therapeutic Mondays 10:00-11:30 am                     Jeannie
Yoga for Strong Bones Mondays 3:30-5:00 pm                        Jeannie
All Levels Mondays 5:15-6:45 pm                         Jeannie
All Levels     New Time and only 2 classes                  Wednesdays  11/7 and 11/28 2:00-3:30 pm Kathy
Therapeutic           Thursdays 11 am  -12:30 pm                   Jeannie 
All Levels    New Time                               Thursdays 7:15-8:30 pm                        Jeannie